About Us

Tracee aims to radically improve transparency of charitable giving and foster trust between donors and charities.

Charitable giving is a complex 🥴, fragmented ➗, and inefficient process 📑.

Some people calls charities "black boxes" ⬛️,

so you might not know which charity to donate to, or how your donation will be used.

As an online platform, Tracee makes it easy for you, as a philanthropist or an institution, to donate money to multiple charities at the same time, or fund a liquidity pool that will be distributed among the most transparent ones.

We also provide charities with blockchain-based ⛓ tools to track & trace financials and donation distributions in real-time, all the way to the beneficiaries, identified by digital IDs;

So Tracee lets you see where your donations go and how they made a difference 💪🏻.

For more info, please visite 🔗 traceeapp.com

We are looking for passionate people who share our vision 👁 and want to be part of the Tracee community . If you like to test our app or to contribute as a developer, marketing specialist, community manager, or other available opportunities, please contact us! 💜