About Us
For more than 30+ years, Merrit Baker has provided talent solutions to clients with personnel needs. What makes Baker Staffing, LLC (BSLLC) different is our expertise and commitment to the staffing profession including: reduced time that Human Resources and department management need to spend on the overall process. BSLLC does the sourcing and screening which provides a more efficient requisition to hire time (only presenting the top candidates actively recruited) thereby getting a higher percentage of successful candidates hired. This in turn frees up Human Resources and internal company staff to focus on other pressing business, saving time and hard dollars to the company’s bottom line.
We have the experience working with clients whether it’s a startup situation or expansion. As clients of BSLLC, organizations have direct access to Merrit and benefit from his knowledge and insight of building and optimizing high-performance workforces in addition to the insight of retaining key personnel.
We are here to truly partner with you and your firm whether retained executive search, contingent recruitment or on a contract basis. Over the years of supporting businesses (from the personnel side) has resulted in an extensive talent network for our clients to choose from, ensuring “The Right Fit” for their unique needs, greater access to scarce talent, and increase productivity.